
Nepeta cataria, also known as catnip, is a plant that belongs to the mint family. The essential oil extracted from catnip is known for its numerous benefits and uses in aromatherapy. Some of the benefits and uses of catnip essential oil are:

  1. Stress relief: Catnip essential oil is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it useful in reducing stress and anxiety.

  2. Sleep aid: The sedative properties of catnip essential oil make it helpful in promoting a restful night's sleep.

  3. Pain relief: Catnip essential oil has analgesic properties that can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with headaches, menstrual cramps, and other types of pain.

  4. Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of catnip essential oil make it useful in reducing swelling and inflammation in the body.

  5. Insect repellent: The strong scent of catnip essential oil is effective in repelling insects, particularly mosquitoes.

  6. Digestive aid: Catnip essential oil has been used traditionally as a digestive aid, helping to ease digestive issues such as bloating, cramping, and indigestion.

When using catnip essential oil in aromatherapy, it can be diffused, added to a bath, or used in massage oils. However, it's important to note that catnip essential oil should not be ingested, and pregnant women should avoid using it.

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  • INCI NAME: Nepeta Cataria (Catnip) Oil.

    ORIGIN: Canada. Bottled in Hawai’i.

    PART USED: Aerial Parts.

    EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distilled Essential Oil.


  • Catnip essential oil blends well with a variety of other essential oils, including:

    Lavender: The calming and soothing properties of both catnip and lavender make them a perfect combination for relaxation and stress relief.

    Lemon: The refreshing and uplifting scent of lemon can help balance the earthy and slightly sweet aroma of catnip.

    Peppermint: Both catnip and peppermint belong to the mint family, and their combination can provide a refreshing and cooling effect.

    Eucalyptus: The antiseptic and expectorant properties of eucalyptus can complement the anti-inflammatory properties of catnip.

    Cedarwood: The woody and earthy aroma of cedarwood can blend well with the sweet and herbaceous scent of catnip, creating a grounding and calming effect.

    Frankincense: The warm and resinous scent of frankincense can help enhance the meditative and spiritual properties of catnip.

    It's important to note that when blending essential oils, it's essential to dilute them properly and use them in safe concentrations. It's also recommended to do a patch test before using any essential oil blend on the skin.

  • They can be inhaled directly from the bottle, diffuser, or humidifier.

    They should be diluted with a carrier oil when applied to your skin. We suggest a 4% dilution rate.

    You can also add them to your favorite skincare products.

    Essential oils are not safe for consumption unless you are under a health practitioner's guidance.

  • 100% Pure Essential Oil.

    Unrefined, Undiluted, No Fillers, No Synthetics, Organic, and Sustainably sourced.

  • 0.33 oz / 10 ml

    Amber glass bottle with euro dropper.

  • Keep out of reach of children. The bottles are a choking hazard. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, mucous membranes, and sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

    Animals are more sensitive to certain scents; consider your pets while choosing essential oils.

    While not all essential oils have the same effect on everyone, the key is finding which ones work best for you. You are the individual and know what is best for you. So experiment and find your path.

    The products described on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or to affect any structure or function of the skin or body. The information on this website is not medical advice and is not a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider.

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