
Origanum vulgare, commonly known as oregano, is a popular herb that is widely used in cooking. Oregano essential oil is derived from the leaves of this herb through steam distillation. It possesses numerous potential benefits and can be used in aromatherapy for various purposes. Here are some of the benefits and aromatherapy uses of Origanum vulgare essential oil:

  1. Antimicrobial properties: Oregano essential oil contains compounds such as carvacrol and thymol, which have strong antimicrobial properties. It can help inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it useful for treating minor skin infections and respiratory issues.

  2. Respiratory support: Oregano essential oil can be beneficial for respiratory health. When inhaled, it may help relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions like coughs, colds, sinusitis, and bronchitis. It is believed to have expectorant properties, which can help in clearing mucus and congestion.

  3. Immune system support: The antimicrobial properties of oregano essential oil can also contribute to supporting the immune system. It may help strengthen the body's defenses against infections and promote overall wellness.

  4. Digestive aid: Oregano essential oil has been traditionally used to aid digestion. It may help stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, improve digestion, and alleviate symptoms like bloating, gas, and indigestion.

  5. Pain relief: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, oregano essential oil may provide relief from muscle and joint pain. It can be used topically in a diluted form to massage sore muscles or joints.

  6. Insect repellent: Oregano essential oil contains compounds that have insect-repellent properties. It can be used as a natural alternative to synthetic insect repellents. However, it is important to dilute the oil properly and perform a patch test before applying it to the skin.

When using oregano essential oil for aromatherapy, it can be diffused in a diffuser or added to a carrier oil for topical use. Remember to dilute the oil properly before applying it to the skin, as it can be irritating when used undiluted. As with any essential oil, it is advisable to consult a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional for guidance, especially if you have any specific health conditions or concerns.

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  • INCI NAME: Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) Oil.

    ORIGIN: Hungary. Bottled in Hawai’i.

    PART USED: Flowering Tops.

    EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distilled Essential Oil.

    NOTE CLASSIFICATION: Middle to Top Note.

  • Oregano essential oil blends well with several other essential oils, enhancing their therapeutic properties and creating pleasant aromas. Here are some essential oils that blend well with oregano:

    Lavender: Lavender oil has calming and soothing properties. When combined with oregano, it can create a balanced and relaxing aroma.

    Rosemary: Rosemary oil has a refreshing and stimulating scent. Blending it with oregano can create an invigorating and herbaceous aroma.

    Lemon: Lemon oil has a fresh and uplifting scent. Combining it with oregano can result in a bright and energizing aroma.

    Peppermint: Peppermint oil has a cooling and refreshing scent. When mixed with oregano, it can create a revitalizing and minty aroma.

    Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil has a camphoraceous and clearing scent. Blending it with oregano can create a potent and refreshing aroma, particularly beneficial for respiratory support.

    Tea Tree: Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties and a medicinal scent. Combining it with oregano can enhance its antimicrobial effects and create a robust and cleansing aroma.

    When creating blends, it's important to consider the desired therapeutic benefits and personal preferences. Remember to use proper dilution ratios and conduct a patch test before applying the blend topically.

  • They can be inhaled directly from the bottle, diffuser, or humidifier.

    They should be diluted with a carrier oil when applied to your skin. We suggest a 4% dilution rate.

    You can also add them to your favorite skincare products.

    Essential oils are not safe for consumption unless you are under a health practitioner's guidance.

  • 100% Pure Essential Oil.

    Unrefined, Undiluted, No Fillers, No Synthetics, Organic, and Sustainably sourced.

  • 0.33 oz / 10 ml

    Amber glass bottle with euro dropper.

  • Keep out of reach of children. The bottles are a choking hazard. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, mucous membranes, and sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

    Animals are more sensitive to certain scents; consider your pets while choosing essential oils.

    While not all essential oils have the same effect on everyone, the key is finding which ones work best for you. You are the individual and know what is best for you. So experiment and find your path.

    The products described on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or to affect any structure or function of the skin or body. The information on this website is not medical advice and is not a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider.

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